Friday, 30 May 2008

Betty's Fat Ones: Volume 1

Welcome to the first of a (hopefully) long running series of posts. Huzzah!

The story behind the name "Betty's Fat Ones" is long and complicated; and quite frankly, I don’t remember. However, I shall hopefully be bringing some new and interesting tunes twice a month.

First up is a stonking piece of disco-house from the French duo, Revolte. Many will spot the similarities between these and two other well-known French artists – right down to their masked appearance for live shows. Still, this track is a tremendous piece of cut-up that doesn’t sacrifice any groove in the process.

Revolte – TAKK

The next track has been around for a while but it is still pretty darn fresh. Italian based producer, Dusty Kid (whose recent appearance at Wax:on in Leeds passed me by…bugger), serves up a cracking techno track. A pulsating bass line draws you in before it erupts with a massive, repetative siren. Absolutely loving it at the moment…although not too keen on the Crookers re-work.

Dusty Kid – The Cat

The best of the rest includes a re-discovered Simian remix of The Go! Team, a smile-inducing number from Monk (with a great piano stab running through the chorus) and a swirly, bleepy re-work of Daedelus. Hope you enjoy!

The Go! Team – Ladyflash (Simian Mobile Disco remix)

Monk – Live fast die old (Headman remix)

Daedelus – Make it so (XXXchange remix)

The next post will probably have more distortion-centric tracks just to balance things out.
